Digitisation: from nice-to-have to must-have
Today, we already digitise to our hearts' content in our private lives. And we have to keep up in our professional lives too. The digitisation story may look a little more complex, but at the end of the ride it leads to more efficiency.
In search of efficiency
In times when margins are under pressure due to skyrocketing inflation, skyrocketing energy costs and increasingly expensive raw materials, organising business processes efficiently is more than ever a must. Efficient in this context refers to costs as well as energy consumption and staff deployment. It also involves all departments: IT, HR, Finance, Facilities, production...
There is no doubt about the common thread throughout the quest for optimisation today: digitalisation. If we already switch on the washing machine remotely as soon as the sun starts to shine, why shouldn't companies embrace digital innovations for administration, accounting, production or building management?
Data as the new gold
First and foremost, digitisation makes it possible to work more economically, faster and more conveniently. At the same time, it provides interesting insights. After all, data are the new gold. Real-time monitoring of processes or KPIs push efficiency - again - to a higher level.
Collecting data is one thing, if nothing or not enough is done with it, it will take a lot longer until the investment in digitisation pays for itself. In this sense, it is important to link the collected data. In many cases, an integrated digitisation solution or ERP package for companies is preferable to a series of separate tools and standalone software solutions without interconnection. Consequently, throughout a digitisation process, the bigger picture must always be watched over.
Benefits in abundance
Opting for digitisation has become a must today. And actually, in reality, it is no longer a choice. Any self-respecting company that wants to move forward and stay in the future would do well to digitise. Like the apps you use privately, a digital system makes employees' lives easier and reduces their workload. It also minimises the risk of errors.
So there is no shortage of assets; on the downside, we distinguish two. First, digitising is not free, but provided you make the right choices, the initial investment will pay off in the long run. A second frequently heard obstacle is that it is sometimes difficult to get everyone on board the digitisation train. You can read how to deal with this resistance in this blog.