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Food-IT puts fruit juice manufacturer De Drie Wilgen on the path to digitisation

Since the 1980s, De Drie Wilgen has been selecting the very best local fruit to produce what are now more than 35 varieties of organic fruit juices. About ten years ago, the Nijlen-based company also selected IC-trace from Food-IT Solutions to digitise purchasing, sales, invoicing, stock, pricing and returns management, among other things. The result is a juicy collaboration in which both partners look for further optimisations together.

Need for digitisation

"We first came into contact with De Drie Wilgen about ten years ago," explains Mieke Van de Velde of Food-IT Solutions. "The production of organic fruit juices was already running at full speed then, but it was sometimes a bit chaotic. To make their processes more streamlined in the future, De Drie Wilgen knocked on the door of several IT companies."

"After that exercise, choosing Food-IT was an obvious choice for us," echoes De Drie Wilgen. "The fact that IC-trace was specifically developed for the food industry weighed heavily in our decision. Moreover, we could choose exactly the modules we needed. So today we use the modules purchase and sales, invoicing, price management, stock management, traceability and return of packaging and empties. The modular structure of IC-trace allows us to easily add additional modules in the future."

IC-trace, modular software solution for the food industry

Thanks to IC-trace, food companies can manage, automate and track every aspect of their workflow - from receiving through storage and production to distribution. Mieke: "It is a comprehensive software solution, but at the same time we can configure it so that it feels like customisation. We therefore always take an in-depth look at our customers' processes first before proposing modules tailored to their needs. Moreover, our input is not limited to implementing our software, quite the contrary. We follow up with our customers several times during the year and exchange ideas for possible extensions and optimisations."

The starting point for Food-IT Solutions is always to improve the operations of food companies through digitisation and automation. "In our case, this has certainly succeeded," says De Drie Wilgen. "Since using IC-trace, we have made great strides in terms of digitalisation. Partly thanks to Food-IT, our production has become much more streamlined and much clearer. Communication with our clients and suppliers is also much smoother. At the same time, together with Food-IT, we continue to explore opportunities to further optimise our operations."

Juicy collaboration

As an extension of the long-term cooperation, Food-IT Solutions chose De Drie Wilgen's organic fruit juices as an end-of-year gift for its customers at the end of 2022. Out of more than 35 varieties, the choice fell on 'Happy Ginger', a heartwarming ginger drink based on pure apple juice sourced from local fruit growers. With no preservatives and no added sugars, but 100% natural in the glass! An ideal warmer for winter, a refreshing thirst-quencher for autumn or summer. And a nice win-win for De Drie Wilgen and Food-IT Solutions.

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