From digitisation to automation
Have you digitised your company's processes step by step? Then you are ready for the next step: automating your processes. This also applies to smaller companies, by the way.
Efficiency gains 2.0
Once your organisation is digitised, you can move on to automation. Because where processes that run digitally give you efficiency gains, those gains only increase by automating processes. Specifically, that automation can be done through workflows or dashboards, for example. For every company, however, it is a different story. It is therefore best to first thoroughly consider which processes you want to automate. Then you implement the automation step by step. As with the implementation of digitalisation, this is the best way to counter resistance to automation.
ERP software as a starting point
To automate, you need to have a good overview of all your business processes. In that respect, investing in an ERP package is an extremely interesting choice. It brings all your processes and activities together in one central system. And that makes automation much easier.
As a specialist in ERP software for food companies, we at Food-IT Solutions will of course be happy to tell you how we can assist you as an automation partner.
The advantages of automation
Is automation only for international companies with hundreds of employees, dozens of sites and a gigantic production apparatus? Not at all. Small companies can also benefit from the automation of their internal processes in terms of production, cost management, project follow-up or payroll administration. And here's why:
- Gains in terms of time, personnel, costs and energy
- More insight into their own organisation
- Finding more information quickly and in one central location
- Shorter turnaround time for improvement processes
- Fast interventions thanks to real-time monitoring
- No manual input, processing or follow-up: less risk of errors