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Maintenance of business software, an absolute must

You may find it logical that you regularly have your car or machines serviced. The same goes for taking out insurance that you may never need. Very often, however, this line is not extended to the systematic maintenance of business software. However, that is also absolutely necessary.

Why you should keep investing in software

The purchase of an ERP package or other business software requires a significant investment. But it doesn't stop there. Without maintenance, the initial investment risks being lost in the long run. That is why reading, maintaining and renewing the software code is part of the regular tasks of software developers.

It should come as no surprise that many companies overlook this maintenance. Unlike machines, software is intangible and invisible, to the point that the software does not work or no longer works. It is at that moment that you realize that the maintenance fee for your business software is by no means an unnecessary luxury.

What is the use of software maintenance?

Your ERP software is a ready-made package when you purchase it, but it doesn't stop there. The longer you use your software, the more the business processes and the environment on which the software is based evolve. This has an influence on the operation of your software, but also on its security.

So if you want your ERP software to continue to function optimally and at the same time reduce the risk of hacking to a minimum, upgrades are essential. Moreover, in this way you detect any problems early so that you can prevent worse. In that sense, software maintenance is a bit like a regular check-up by your doctor.

The benefits of business software maintenance

  • Upgrades and maintenance ensure that your software continues to work optimally
  • Your company data remains optimally protected against hacking attempts
  • You keep IT costs under control by taking preventive measures
  • You always enjoy the latest features
  • Bugs are solved or prevented
  • The continuity of your business and production processes is guaranteed
  • You improve usability


Do you want to ensure the continuity of your activities, arm yourself against hacking and control IT-related costs? Then the permanent maintenance of your business software is indispensable for the stability and lifespan of your ERP system.

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