The guarantee of healthy food products
Consumers rely on the quality and safety of the meat they buy and eat. Meat producers make it possible with Tracking & Tracing systems to track and trace a product through the entire production process and in further distribution.
What do we mean by tracking?
Tracking involves tracking the product towards the consumer from the feed to the finished product in the supermarket. This can be used to determine the cause of a defect in a product or during production.
What do we mean by tracing?
Tracing involves tracking the product back to the producer. So from the end of the chain to the source. In the case of recall of a product, it is necessary to know where it came from, where it has been and when and who is responsible.
How does it work?
From birth, farm animals are provided with an ear tag, so that it is known where they were born and kept. When animals are transported to the slaughterhouse, the farmer provides food chain information. As a result of this information transfer, it is known from which animal the meat comes and where the feed came from.
Companies have a duty to report if the deviation from a product can have an impact on the safety and health of consumers. With a good registration system, a company must be able to withdraw its products from the market in good time and provide information about them to the government.
General Food Law
The basis of EU food safety legislation is the obligation for food companies to implement systems and procedures.
Since 2005, the origin and destination of food, feed, food-producing animals and all other substances for food are fully traceable. In addition, the relationship between raw materials and end products is shown. Companies must have all information available in good time with regard to suppliers and customers in order to be able to trace products in the trade.
Product liability and supervision
The General Food Law ensures that costs can be recovered from the perpetrator in a specific link in the chain. The law identifies the responsible individual producers, with each producer responsible for the safety of its products.
The Food and Veterinary Office of the European Union checks with random checks whether the member states comply with European laws and regulations. It creates conditions for business and supervises it. It inspects, approves and controls the production chain, including the traceability of the products.
New trends
Electronic identification
The most important development in the sheep sector is the transition to electronic identification with a stomach bolus or an injectate / chip. The means of identification contain the individual data of all sheep and goats that end up in a central database. This has already been achieved in the sheep sector; the other animal species follow this new technique.
Guarantee system for organic pork
The Traceability and Identification of Pigs in the Organic Chain (TIVO) research project is developing a guarantee system for organic pork. The aim is to be able to fully guarantee the origin and quality of organic pork up to the store.
DNA recognition
There are tracing and animal recognition techniques that use DNA. This can be done by taking the DNA from a piece of tissue. This way the animal can be recognized and it can be proven whether the meat is really organic.